2008 Regulatory Success

Important Update

MAWC successful in fighting new DNR regulations!

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced on Wednesday, March 19, that it is withdrawing its proposal to extend the gun hunting and trapping seasons for red and gray fox due to overwhelming opposition.

This potentially harmful change was stopped dead in its tracks thanks to your MAWC Board of Directors, MAWC’s lobbyist, and last but not least to the many MAWC members who took the time to send their comments to DNR.

Regulatory Alert

March 6, 2008

Dear Maryland Foxchasers:

This is to alert you to the fact that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is currently in the process of adopting its hunting and trapping regulations for the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 hunting seasons.

DNR is considering a potentially harmful regulation change that would extend the gun hunting and trapping of red and gray foxes by another two weeks in some jurisdictions in Maryland.  This proposed extension would endanger the fox population by stretching into the gestation / birthing period for foxes. Hunters, and certainly trappers, cannot distinguish between a dog fox and a vixen nor can they determine if a vixen is pregnant.  If they kill a pregnant vixen, they are also killing an average of five pups.

There is no overpopulation of fox in the State of Maryland that would require expanding the hunting and trapping season.  The current regulations seem to work, so why change them.

The Maryland Association for Wildlife Conservation (MAWC) is working hard to ensure that these changes are not adopted but we need your help!  DNR is accepting public comments until March 21 at 4:00 p.m.  Please feel free to incorporate some of the concerns referenced above or include some of your own. We urge you to weigh in on this matter.  You can submit your comments via email, postal mail, telephone, or fax:

Paul A. Peditto, Director, DNR Wildlife and Heritage Service, Tawes State Office Building E-1, Annapolis, MD 21401.  Fax:  410-260-8596.  Email:  customerservice@dnr.state.md.us.  Phone:  410-260-8540 or 877-620-8DNR, ext 8540.

Albert J.A. “Jay” Young
Maryland Association for Wildlife Conservation